Some of you might be raising your eyebrows right now because you've heard goat milk tastes funny.
We could blame the funny-taste fallacy on a conspiracy concocted by those comical Far Side cows.
So you should know that more of the world's people consume goat milk than cow milk.
Our goats have proven to be hardy animals. They've adapted well to heat and cold, productively foraged
and grazed [saved us mowing time and expense], and are inexpensive to keep.
Since mature does (females) usually weigh between 120 to 135 pounds they're much easier to handle
than hefty cows, which can weigh 1,000 pounds each.
And our goats surprised us in other ways,as well. They're highly intelligent, remarkably friendly and very curious.
Their antics amuse us for hours.
With all that in mind, it's easy to see why dairy goats are the next ideal addition to our family farm