Living easy with "J" and our 6 dawgs and Boer Goats in Poetry... an ageless troubadour...a traveling poet... spinning tales of love and loyalty ... to our family, friends and country... from the very worn saddle of a Harley Davidson Electraglide 2004 FLH Touring Classic
[don't forget to click the pics] As Mr. Obama views the traditional "presidential honeymoon" under pressure even before he enters office, our boys find themselves already hard at work in the pasture.
Like the rest of the country, on the farm we must always focus on creating additional income. And as our military is ever vigilant against America's enemies, our new "pyrs" are tirelessly on guard against predators that threaten our growing herd of milk and meat goats. [don't forget to click the pics] From aworld view... to our small farm's view... we all know it will be a hard road ahead in '09... so let's just get to it!
Honoring fellow Guard/and all defenders [4 legged too] is this week's poetry from Poetry,Tx.
Our holiday deed this year was adopting two new pups from Texas Great Pyrenees Rescue []
Thanks to Susie and Mindee, and all the staff from this unselfish rescue group, for assisting us in bringing these "big boys" home to Poetry [70 lbs. at 8 mo.] They'll soon be patrolling our pastures working tirelessly protecting their goats.
This week's poetry, from Poetry, is introducing you to these gentle and majestic companions, and defenders of family and property... our Quinton and Quigley... happy Thanksgiving to them.
Drugs taken for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems contaminate drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, according to a report by the Associated Press National Investigation Team.
A USGS survey revealed a list of compounds including the painkillers acetaminophen and ibuprofen, prescription medicines for cardiac disorders and hypertension, and female sex hormones used in birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.
Drinking water treatment plants are not designed to remove these pharmaceutical residues, and the AP team uncovered data showing these same chemicals in treated tap water and water supplies in 24 major metropolitan areas.
No worry in the country ... we mix "our Jack" with "our well water".
So add some more ice to your glass and enjoy this week's poetry from Poetry, Texas ...gulp...yummy!
We set the clocks back...hate doing that but it comes every year. Also signals first frost and firewood on the hearth. We'll take that trade off.
Dogs are going crazy as the nightlife gets busier with wildlife on the move; the rut is on. Bought new arrows for the crossbow [move over Nuge...DB huntin' hawg the real way.] Already smelling wild stew and deep fried quarters.
Guess you knew the theme for this week's poetry from Poetry, TX. Thanks for stopping by, see you soon.[click the pic]
[click the pics] Fall in Texas can't come soon enough; our second rainy season and the end of triple digit temps. That's a 2-fer out here.
Cross fences are almost done; new goats will call it home this winter. We'll - I just got corrected -- I'll ] be milking the hairy critters as J thinks up names for our goat cheeses.
Short and sweet entry this week ... just like our days ahead.
Thanks for stopping by and here's a 'bit o' poetry from Poetry, Texas.
Couple of hours on the tractor and your lungs feel like you had two big ol' Cubano cigars.
And watching J hit the weeding with such intensity compels me to stand off to the side, as back up, in the event logistcs and support are required.
Hmmmmm... I hear over my shoulder.
[click on the pics to enlarge]
Thanks for stopping and now a moment of poetry
Poetry, Texas.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Well now ... 23 triple-digit days so far this year and a 107-degree scorcher that ranks as the hottest day of this year; the ninth straight day of triple-digit heat at the end of the fourth-hottest July on record in North Texas.
And the chores still gotta be done ... got the hay knocked down ... just have to bring it in ... cleaning up downed trees been ignored during this heat; better off as firewood than blockin' the roadway during the Fall storms hopefully coming.
On the wind ... smell some fine grilling ... better head back to the house and fix that pitcher of DB's famous margaritas ... Lady J expects along with her barbeque. Thanks for visiting ... and now today's poetry from Poetry, Texas... Y'All come back soon ... adios