We set the clocks back...hate doing that but it comes every year. Also signals first frost and firewood on the hearth. We'll take that trade off.
Dogs are going crazy as the nightlife gets busier with wildlife on the move; the rut is on. Bought new arrows for the crossbow [move over Nuge...DB huntin' hawg the real way.] Already smelling wild stew and deep fried quarters.
Guess you knew the theme for this week's poetry from Poetry, TX. Thanks for stopping by, see you soon.[click the pic]

You've got some beautiful dogs...I've got pit bulls myself(weight pull working dogs, not game)...I found you 'search query "Poetry,Tx"'I am in Greco. It's nice to see other patrons in my neighborhood looking out for the well being of our family friends. Yours truly, Micki